As my English friends would say,
Like blogging, podcasting is a tool. Like all tools, it's suitable for some businesses and not suitable for others. At a more granular level, even within a business it might be suitable for some situations and not others.
The question that begs to be asked is "what, exactly, will podcasting do for the business?". Are there areas that you feel audio can deliver better? Are your employees or customers indicating that they would make use of this type of media? The answers to these questions will drive the decision about whether to offer corporate podcasts.
Podcast if you need to or if you want to. Don't podcast just because you're scared not to. Or because an "interactive marketing and technology services firm" is trying to scare you into it.
Via Podcasting News
It's bollocks. Bullocks are animals - bollocks are the stones. An alternative spelling is 'bollox'.
Posted by: Peter Warne | July 20, 2006 3:32 AM | Permalink to Comment