I wrote about Melodeo when they announced their launch at Gnomedex this year. At the time, their website was crashing and burning all over the place, so I scurried away and promptly forgot about them until today. Alltel Corporation (NYSE: ) and Melodeo today announced the launch of their Axcess Mobilcast Service.
Axcess Mobilcast is currently available on several popular Alltel phones. A simple interface allows listeners to browse categories or search programs with no wait time. Podcasts are streamed or downloaded and can be added to the “My Favorites” channel with one click.
I still say this is mobilcatching and not mobilcasting, but I don't want to pollute the issue with ranting about semantics.
I love the idea of mobilcatching. It's starting to become more common as companies are experimenting with ways of getting podcasts onto today's powerful cellular phones. I don't have high hopes for it in Canada as our data plans are very, very expensive, but I think it will grow elsewhere.
Via SPN.
I HIGHLY doubt that Melodeo has the permission of the copyright holders to redistribute the podcasts. A lawsuit waiting to happen IMHO...
Posted by: Jason Becker | August 15, 2006 4:49 PM | Permalink to Comment