People's Choice Podcast Awards needs your vote. Between now and August 11, 2006, you can vote on your top pick of podcasts in 22 categories.
Geez, who has time for that? To give each a fair shake, I'd have to listen to each podast, one by one, which amounts to 110 podcasts. I was already bemoaning the fact that I have too many listening hours in iTunes that I can't listen to because I don't have the time. How could I possibly go through 110 podcasts to select my favourite?
And supposed it's not my favourite? Do I then select the one I like the least? And then, I have to listen to it several times. I mean, supposed the week I listen the host is on vacation? Or perhaps the host is sick and has a disgustingly horrible cough? In order to vote fairly, I'll need to get a feel for the ambiance and mood of the podcast.
I find the whole award process really silly. I mean, what was the criteria to choosing the final 5 in each category? Oh right, a voting process by volunteer who themselves are podcasters. I know because I had to submit a wackload of information - and show proof - before I was admitted into this community as a judge.
My question is - did my peers select the final 5 in each category based on merits (eg. sound quality, length, frequency) or based on popularity? Are these podcasts really any good or are they just ganering the most votes simply because alot of people listen to them?
This should be renamed the Popularity Choice Podcast Awards.
See PodcastAwards for more info.
The Apple (AAPL) iTunes Music Store says "Diggnation," a weekly video featuring two guys, sometimes drinking beer, and talking tech, ranks as the 59th most popular podcast. ITunes' directory of podcasts is the largest, and nobody disputes it delivers more podcasts than any other source. "Diggnation" will get an award for best tech podcast at the Expo.The glaring fact remains that iTunes' other 99 other most popular podcasts are nowhere to be seen, or heard. Put another way, of the 3,281 podcasts nominated by the award voters, only one has an audience.
Posted by: my canadian pharmacy | May 29, 2007 4:16 PM | Permalink to Comment