I checked out ClickCaster and here's my review.
What I liked:
- There's a revenue share opportunity. I can make my podcasts available to be sold which means that people will have to pay to subscribe to my podcast.
- Has an online recording tool.
- Very easy to sign up.
- You can schedule when you want your podcast episodes to appear (nice feature).
- You can add a feed to ClickCaster without having to sign up in their system (again, nice feature).
- The online player sits at the top of the page. Nothing pops up, I'm not taken to another page and nothing to download. Just click the play button beside each episode and I hear the audio.
- I was curious about the Add to Blog/MySpace button. When I clicked on it, I was taken to a page where I could copy the HTML for the player and paste it on my own blog, website or profile page in a social networking website.
- Stats are visible in terms of the number of downloads, the number of subscribers and the number of feed views.
- Also, you can download your statistics in an Excel spreadsheet.
- Can upload a custom banner that will appear on my podcast page. Not just that, but I can customize the background colours as well.
- I could choose a short name for my podcast under the Create tab. This is good because I chose an alphanumeric username when I signed up for the service.
- The site chugged along very slowly. I waited about 2-minutes for clickcaster to accept the audio file I was uploading before I realized the system froze.
- When I tried uploading my MP3 file again, the applet wouldn't let me write up show notes, so I published without them.
- Once my episode was published, I went under the Manage tab to finally add show notes. I clicked on the area and a cursor didn't show up. So, I just started typing and voila, the text started to appear. This needs to change so at least there's a blinking cursor so people know they can start typing away.
Hey.. nice review! I use these guys all the time for my show.
I had some minor upload problems too, emailed them, they said they'd just updated the uploader program and were working out some bugs. You should try it again.. seems to be rockin now, at least on my Windows box.
Posted by: Elijah Blue | August 8, 2006 2:22 AM | Permalink to Comment