Gabcast is first on my list. Here's my review.
What I liked:
- Offered about a dozen different numbers I could use to record my podcast over the phone. There's even one local to Toronto.
- When you're creating your episode, if you don't already have a blog, GabCast will create one for you.
- If you upgrade to the $12 per month package, you can modify the online player so it contains your graphic or logo.
- The paid models allow you to upload MP3 files, hide a channel (I guess this means you can give exclusive access to episodes to employees, but the general public don't see them).
- An email is automatically sent out to my subscribers to let them know a new episode is up. I can turn this off if I desire.
- I can assign a username/password for people to access my podcast. Nice feature.
- The voiceover on the conference line that I called had way too much coffee the morning she did the recordings. I felt like giving her a chill pill and telling her to calm down.
- Google ads appeared on many pages. If I were a business running a service, the last thing I'd want to do is distract my clients with a competitor's ad.
- It appears that you can use GabCast to create channels (different feeds?) and host your podcasts, but not to make them viewable. For that, you'll need to grab the HTML from GabCast, then plug it on to your website or blog. At the very least, a one-pager that is accessible via a URL and can be shared with listeners should be provided.
- You can't upload your own MP3 files unless you purchase a monthly package. I would suggest letting me upload my own files, but severly limit the amount of disk space and bandwidth I can use.
- No statistics?