By way of Paul Colligan's blog, I found out about 1&1, a hosting company that offers gigabytes of storage and bandwidth for under $10 per month. You can read Paul's highlights on his blog, but it just seems too good to be true.
I may just give them a try, though. I'm using GoDaddy.com right now and while I've had no problems with GoDaddy in the 6-months I've used them, they're on a Windows platform (which I can't stand). 1&1 is on a Linux platform, so I think PHP and JSP would work on this platform, but definitely not ASP.
In terms of podcasting, Wordpress should work (they offer MySQL) and so should Blogger (if you want to host your own pages). All your MP3s will work as these are platform independent. So, this looks like a pretty good deal for podcasters looking for more space, especially since many of us have archived episodes reaching into the hundreds.
My only concern is performance. Will the system buckle under the weight of all these podcasters using their services to stream their lovely podcasts? I'm working with corporate clients and the last thing I want is consistent downtime. I want to spend my energy signing on new podcasting clients and making them happy, not on the phone with my hosting company wondering when service will resume.
Anyone using 1&1 and can attest to their customer service or how good their performance is?