I stumbled upon podooch.com. According to their press release, podooch.com has:
unlimitted bandwidth and disk space, a personal microsite, a complete content management system giving users the power to schedule the launch of their podcasts and full statistics of each podcasts so users can see how well their podcast is doing. Best of all, podooch.com is advert-free.
Because of the free 30-day trial, I signed up to check things out. Here's my review.
What I liked:
- Bright, colourful buttons made in flash gave a playful feel to the site
- Very easy to create a show and each episode.
- Checkmarks appeared beside the required fields if I filled them in correctly
- You can change the colours on your microsite.
- Simple sign-up process.
- Light grey text on white background is hard to read
- I have to use another source to record my audio as this service doesn't provide an online recording tool
- It's in beta so expect problems.
- Create show page should've shown me a menu tree with the name of my show and all the episodes underneath. Oh wait, I had to see this on the Manage page. Okay....
- Let me choose a different name for my microsite than what I selected for the username I use to log into the site.
- When I clicked the upgrade button, it took me to the homepage. Since I want to pay, just take me to payment page instead.
- No online player on my podcast page.