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Holland Cooke's Take on Poodcasting

Holland Cooke has quite possibly the most amateurish website I've seen and buried within that website is a Power Point presentation on podcasting that's equally garish. If you can get past the lounge-singer flashy things and glitzy fonts, though - the presentation has some pretty good thoughts in it.

Some of the information that I found interesting was:

  • Yet another validation of my thoughts that 50% or less of listeners use any kind of podcatcher
  • Another validation of my feelings that audience is pretty much impossible to measure with any kind of accuracy
  • a great quote "Content is King" (not that one, I've been saying that for years) "Portability of content is King Kong". So true.

And lastly, the concept of the Long Tail. The Long Tail is a pretty well established statistical concept that is used, amongst other places, as a retail sales model. If you ran a store and put a graph together with your sales on the vertical axis and your products on the horizontal axis, you would likely end up with a big peak on the left and a long lowering line going away to the right. In essence, you would (hopefully) see that something like 20% of your products are doing 80% of your sales and the other 80% of your products are doing the last 20%. This "long tail" to the right is considered undesirable in brick-and-mortar stores because shelf space costs money. Internet commerce made the pursuit of the long tail affordable because stock is stored in someone's basement instead of on expensive shelves.

I never considered this model in the context of podcasting. If the vertical axis were replaced by listeners and the horizontal axis replaced by time, you would end up with a long tail. The older the show, the less listeners it generally has and is therefore less desirable to advertisers. But perhaps not completely undesirable.

Maybe those older shows can become part of the revenue model for smaller or entry-level advertisers. Maybe the long tail can be pursued in podvertising as well.

It was worth all the blinky fonts to weed that gem out. The presentation is here.

Tags: long tail, podvertising

4 Comments/Trackbacks



In Jack Benny voice: "Well!!!"

Seen Matt Drudge's site?

You've heard the expression "When in Rome...?"

My lounge-act site is FOR lounge acts! Talk Radio people. Fewer right angles than yours, by design.

Further discussion of volume-of-content-vs.-form aside: In appreciation of your well-buried compliments, this freebie, for your readers: http://members.aol.com/ntrideas/podcastingresearch.pdf

At the risk of your critiquing my MSWord format too, this is a summary of what I believe to be the first-ever national survey of non-music topics iPod owners say they would download. In effect, "a podcasting playlist."

You yourself would seem to benefit from the top-testing topic, eh?


Thanks for stopping by, HC. I make no apologies for my comments on your site. It's brutally ugly and that's a fact.

However, I've been blogging and podcasting for a long time now and the one rule I live and die by is that content is King, not the trappings. That's the only reason I put on my sunglasses and waded into your site to search for the presentation. There's good stuff in there, it's just hard to look at.

Thanks for the PDF link. More good info in there that I will dissect and possibly comment on. Nothing appears to be blinking in it, so I think you're safe from my wrath :)

» More Holland Cooke Data from BizPodcasting
I recently wrote an entry that linked to a Powerpoint presentation put together by Holland Cooke. While I appreciated the info in the report, I was a little hard on the HC website. Wait. No, I wasn't, but my comments... [Read More]

» The Long Tail and Podio Books from BizPodcasting
I've talked about the Long Tail concept in terms of podcasting before. I won't go into it again because it's a topic all unto itself, but my background on it is here. There's a growing market of authors who are... [Read More]

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