OK, this is just weird. I just wrote about ID3 Magazine and a poll on their website yesterday. My podcasting Google alert just came in (hey, how do you think I keep up with all this stuff?) and lo' and behold, ID3 Magazinewill not be going to print. Rather, they'll be another online PDF magazine like Podcast User.
After all of the hard work, the meetings and advice given to us, it is with regret that we are informing the public that we will not be sending ID3 Podcast Magazine to print. The complexity of this project was something that we underestimated. We worked hard every day to overcome the many obstacles that lay before us and there were some in the previous few weeks that we as a company couldn't get passed
.It's always sad for me to see something good fail in the podcast space, but as I've mentioned before - I kind of prefer the online PFF publications over real publications anyhow.
Good luck, ID3.