I started my podcasting career on The Podcast Network. I’ve since gone independent with my own JaK Attack! podcast, but since I started with The Podcast Network, I never really looked at any of the other networks out there like the Tech Podcast Network. Well, not seriously, anyhow. As an aside, is it strange that the two oldest podcast networks have the same initials?
Todd Cochrane runs Tech Podcast Network and he’s been podcasting since October of 2004. That makes him one of the old boys. He even predates my start into podcasting by about 6 or 7 months.
Cochrane is a huge promoter of podcasts and one of his activities in this space is holding regular Round Table events at Tech Podcast. They’re live conversations using GoTo Meeting (too bad, so sad for us Non-Windows users) and you can either dial in and participate, or just catch the listen-only stream.
The latest Round Table was last Saturday and covered off topics like remote rodcasting, recording gear and other goodies. I’m not sure how often these Round Tables are held, but I highly recommend that you keep an eye out and attend the next one if you’re into podcasting at all.