By way of Kate's blog, I found this. A graphic designer took a bunch of corporate logos and .
Confused? Well, to Web 2.0 your logo, you need to leave out a few letters, add some dots, slap on the word "beta," have a reflection and emboss the letters, just to name a few features.
Jon posted on this earlier about all these podcasting company popping up that are missing key vowels. Blubrry and Transcribr are just a few. All following in the footsteps of Flickr.
I can't wait to see Podcastr. Actually, I take that back. If I see that happen, I'll leap from my third floor balcony. I mean, can it get any worst? We admonish people for trying to make ebonics an authentic form of English, yet when it comes to naming a company, it's okay to butcher the name by leaving some choice letters out of the equation.
Fck that. Oops, sorry, I'm supposed to bring some class around here. How about "Scrw that."