Yup, on the 9th of October, the Podshow.com domain expired out from under Curry and the gang. Thankfully, there are enough safeguards in place to prevent someone from scopping a domain the instant it becomes available and there was no harm done to the Podshow crew.
I'd like to get Curry's take on the thing, but apparently Podshow is still having troubles because his media for show #475 won't download for me right now. Maybe there was some harm done, afterall.
Anyhow, while it's fun to sit and point, the real lesson here is to keep your contact information up with your registrar. All of them will send out many notices that your domain is about to expire, so as long as you've kept your contact info with them up to date, you'll get them. Alternatively, make yourself a date in your Palm, Hiptop, Windows Mobile, Outlook, Yahoo Calendar or whatever else you use.
Do it now. Then you can really forget about it.
Thanks for the link…
Took them 36 hours to sort our media delivery after the domain "oops".
Posted by: Adam | October 11, 2006 3:29 PM | Permalink to Comment