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Podcasting Magic Middles
Fellow Know More Media blogger Easton Ellsworth has a post on Business Blogwire about constructing satisfying blog posts. While Easton is speaking about blogging, his points can be easily applied to podcasting.

Here's my modification of Easton's points to make them pertain to podcasting. I still recommend reading the original post to get the full feel.
  • Think meat and potatoes. Lure listeners in with the show title and show notes, leave them happy with a great ending, but don't forget the main course.
  • Transitions, transitions: Ensure the show flows smoothly from topic to topic. Become a segue master.
  • Make your theme clear: Don't let your listeners down. Make sure the show actually contains the information that your listeners have been led to believe by your title and show notes
  • Listen to your show before posting: I know many podcasters who will cringe at this one because of the time it takes, but I always listen to my show before it goes up. I didn't once and I accidently left a JaK Attack bumper right in the middle of an interview with the Flickr-ites. Ugh.
  • Overdeliver: 'nuff said.
Thanks, Easton!

6 Comments/Trackbacks

A show shouldn't have more than one subject, multiple subjects should be multiple shows.

Blogs can have many subjects, but a blog post should have one. Podcasting should learn that lesson

Hi Eric,

Do you mean a podcast should have a single topic or an episode should have a single topic?

If you mean a podcast (as in the body of episodes that make up the podcast) then I aree. A guiding topic is required to keep the show moving along and to keep it in the space it belongs.

If you're referring to an single episode, then I disagree. I don't buy into the one-minute podcasts - there's not enough info in them for me to bother downloading and listening to it. An episode should have a topic, but tackle two or three different facets of that topic to make it worthwhile. Our show, for instance, is largely focussed on Linux but in each episode we talk about a handlful of Linux technologies and experiences.

"I don't buy into the one-minute podcasts - there's not enough info in them for me to bother downloading and listening to it."

That's the inherent problem with the distribution channel. Until we have a distribution channel that makes listening, sharing and commenting as simple as it is in blogging then podcasting will remain more smoke then fire.

This conversation we're having right now would be impossible with RSS fed podcasts.

Hmm...I don't really agree with that. I specifically find the one-minute shows to be not worth my time. That doesn't mean that I think podcasts aren't worth my time.

I'm not sure I would listen to podcasts more if I could share or comment on them with more ease. It's the bother of subscribing, downloading, and transferring the show to my device (or visiting the web site) for 60 seconds of content that I don't feel is generally valuable. Sharing and commenting isn't a big priority for me, personally.

You're right about this conversation, but that's comparing apples to beetles. We're not podcasting here. We're commenting. Or perhaps I miss your point?

Nice adaptation Jon!

Thanks! Nice original article!

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